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(R)Tm Page in Progress [1]"About the Graffiti House Interface"

e. Print or Read this explanation of why Graffiti was created by Sandra Lather-Benson ©1996 [2/2005 date of V-10 release]. [1,2,3,]Tm V-10: This is an unlicensed version of music and/ or likeness'.

Therefore it is not for sale. Demonstration purposes only. Promotions: Visit Sandra's on-line Portfolio and future on-line store currently

located at: http://sandralb.hypermart.net

e-mail: sandra_benson15@Hotmail.com Available for CD or DVD project creation. Let Mirror Arts put it together for you...

Click here to see one of the most famous underground and most imitated commercials in America.


s.benson©1998 "In A World"[3]


I. WHEN, WHERE and ABOUT THE Curator of Graffiti House

II. WHAT [RESUME.html] has Sandra been doing in the past 7 years since Graduate Degree in 1997:[4]

III. HOW About the Graffiti House Interface [1,2,3,]Tm

IV. WHO CREDITS and Thanks

Also request a copy of the groundbreaking cross-platform version of the Powerpoint GST auto run CD-ROM version of her Design Portfolio for Multimedia, Video, Animation Publishing and Fine Arts. It is one of her most comprehensive Demo Portfolio's.. With downloadable resumes, Powerpoint player, Adobe Acrobat and Quicktime, Media Player for viewing the presentation and its goodies on cross-platform formats. Sandra is available to consult on your promotional projects contact her at

You may send a donation of any amount on behalf of: The U.S. Department of Education c/o The account of Sandra Lather-Benson National Payment Center P.O. Box 4169 Greenville, TX 75403-4169


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Sandra was very much affected by the youth violence of the early 1990's. The Rodney King incident and many other examples of violence against segments of the population, which also seemed to be incensed by the combination of gang activities. So when she started her graduate work in the mid 1990's, she wanted to participate in a way that would not only affect her life in a positive way but she wanted to create a delivery system for other professionals in the communities where the violence occurred. Her goal was to create a blueprint for them to utilize their talents and to partner with community organizations to assist the at-risk youth and help them realize a choice rather than gang membership to give them a sense of hope and inspiration.

Working with the church, where she had her membership, Church of All Faiths in Oakland, California; Sandra spoke with the Church Pastor, the late Rev. Willie R. Daniels, who was very supportive. Sandra knew that in order for a program to work that it had to have more than just a plan. This is when she decided to align her major studies with the specific segment of the population who created a most negatively viewed subject matter (Graffiti). The idea was to choose one of the most infamous subject matters and to focus on the segment of the population who created this subject matter. Then with community cooperation to take such negative subject and transform it into a positive for the people who create it. This is the legacy of mural painting; and while mural painting itself is not a novel concept, the idea of reaching out to and offering guidance to community professionals who are interested in using their skills to develop similar projects, was a novel idea. In a sense, this decision "kicks it up a notch". You reach more people and the replication possibilities in the idea is marketing genius.

Sandra's interests were focused on Multimedia and Animation, to support the project. Deciding to use her skills in this way, posed a challenge. Not only because the project would require a lot more additional time and support. But also because she was new at 3-D software and it would be difficult to put in the hours necessary to become comfortable with the software and focus on such a large scale Thesis at the same time. Sandra realized that this was indeed the challenge of any thesis study and that the time would need to be utilized to the fullest in order to make it work.

The models and animation although still hauntingly beautiful, and by no means considered to be astounding according to today's standards. We are all so used to seeing animation footage, which is created and assisted by such ground breaking software as Dreamworks' and ILM's Maya or SoftImage's 3-D algorithms. The models were built in earlier versions of high-end software such as Form-Z and animated in Electric Image. Even by today's standard the animation is in no way crude. Every kinematics movement was set manually. The creation of a realistic moving face was not attempted anywhere in the industry at that point. These were all brave and courageous ground breaking innovations in 1996. Still, the Archetype of the images branded by the Graffiti House Tour will stand the test of time. Through "Director Software" the look and feel of the physical design of the project are designed for a target market of 10 to 20 year olds.

The 8 interfaces (Nine with the "About Graffiti House.htm" interface) are beautiful and elegant in minimalist stylized format. Keep in mind that the actual target market for this project is community conscious professional adults who want to promote their uplifting projects. Since the target market of this project changed after the project began, it was more time expedient and more fun in this case, to keep the project consistent from beginning to end. Don't let the playfulness in the design of this project fool you. Reviewing Sandra's portfolio will make you aware of the ability of the artist to create designs appropriate for the specific project. Any project should be appropriate for the industry and demographics of your target group. The inspirational nature of this piece is classic in its contribution to technical innovation and its iconic relevance makes it fun for all ages. It is an archetype in its crossover appeal. It has been the inspiration for many projects which we see on a daily basis. If you are reminded of any trends as you tune your Competitive Intelligence into this piece, chances are Graffiti House was the originator.

Sandra came up with a brilliant marketing solution. Why not make the visual learning process, a part of the project. Therefore, in the beginning of the creative process part of the project (the #1 in the Main Menu); she left in the very early animation samples, some of which were very rough. Sandra knew that it would be obvious when the entire sequence was viewed that you would be able to see the progression of her skill on a cognizant and subconscious level. Sandra became very interested in the honesty of allowing her viewers to follow her progression of skill in her storytelling. It was an important part of the process, which anyone who has ever attempted to develop a marketing mix or marketing strategy will be able to identity with. It is believed that this is one of the reasons that one can empathize with what Sandra is trying to communicate on a archetype level as the "journey". It is important for the viewer to know that Sandra does still intend to seek funding for the Graffiti House art project. But that as she began to get involved in the 3 steps of the Menu, the steps became even more important on a Psychographic level. She realized that because of the abbreviated format which great struggle, and limited time affords in the development of a process, the benefit is the process itself, which others could then follow. For example if someone studied the process of this project, without the extra added pressure of having to create a graduate thesis for a grade, they would be able to have the process affect them at a subconscious level and it would seem miraculously easy for them to discover how to use their skills and talents to set up a simular program. Of course, the miracle is the help of the subconscious mind, which understands and grasps technique at a much more effective level than the conscious mind. If you are working on any creative project and you are stuck or feeling stagnated, I dare you to take the Graffiti House Tour. It is power and inspiring on many levels.

Along with the Graffiti House (GH) CD-ROM, who's interface is explained in the "How section." was a 60 page Thesis Paper; The paper was also required to be published along with the CD-ROM. This paper and the CD were published in September 1997 at the Thesis Review Exhibit. The project received a thorough evaluation from Sandra's peers and her instructors. Every thesis project is also archived in the Graduate Thesis section of The Academy of Art library. GH was such a popular project, it has been studied and viewed by many other graduate students in the past 7 years and has been an inspiration to many others. Many people copy and emulate the process of discovery which Graffiti House celebrates.

This was a very successful project on the basis of its benefits as a Research and Development project alone. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. But as Sandra sent the project out for portfolio reviews to many employers, artists, musicians and other professionals have benefited from the research of this project. The [1,2,3,] description of the process of setting up a project represents a paradigm shift in itself. This is of course one of the most overlooked and under credited aspects of the Graffiti House project. Although Sandra has not yet pursued raising the funding necessary to carry out her art project, she has allowed hundreds of other people to see the steps necessary to successfully implement their own community projects. In short, it is marketing at its best.

Sandra initiated this project for that very reason. Although, breaking into a new career did not allow the resources to pursue the support needed to assist in initiating the project; Sandra should still receive credit for the years of time which she dedicated to building this project. Not to mention the $90,000 of student loans that she accrued while attending her graduate project. Sandra, has worked exceedingly hard for the last 7 years in the print and production industries. She went form the ground floor at Kinko's, all the way to the management position, where she supervised the Production department for OfficeMax. See more about how she has spent the last 7 years in the "What" Resume section.

Sandra has decided to use the Internet to promote her products and services. She is offering her collection of Fine Arts paintings for the first time. Many of these pieces are prints as well as the original pieces. The artwork is eclectic in its subject matter. It is phonominal in its skill level and relevance. This is the portfolio, which qualified her for her graduate studies. They will be exhibited for sale for the first time ever. Because of the immense debt that she accrued in graduate school, Sandra is asking that when you utilize the tools which are evident in this project which she is currently test marketing, that if you choose to contribute a donation of any size to The Department of Education on her behalf to help repay the $90,000, which she accrued as her educational expenses, you may do so by sending any donation amount to:

the academic account of :

Sandra Lather-Benson National Payment Center The US Department of Education P.O. Box 4169 Greenville, TX 75403-4169


Sandra is also a Masters level Multimedia and Animation specialist. Available to Consultant on your multimedia promotional projects on CD or DVD. sandra_benson15@Hotmail.com

A Note from Sandra: "It feels very good to know that so many people love Graffiti House and can benefit from its Research and Development stage. But until all of the unlicensed music can be legalized the project cannot be sold. We are in the process of applying for patents for the software and for the llicensing of the various musical samples and celebrity likeness'. This process is very expensive and time consuming. Therefore, any money which is donated in excess of the $90,000 student loans, would then be used to license the CD for sale. The profits of course will be split with the various entities, which choose to sale or loan us their approval for the music included in the piece. The third part of the profit from this piece will be used to implement the art project." Thank you for your assistance in promoting this project.

Sandra Benson dedicated her Graduate Thesis Project to providing a model for any professional who wants to use their talents to contribute assistance and guidance to their communities. If you would like to speak with sandra to give feedback or to hire her as a consultant on your promotional CD or design projects, contact her at:


or leave a message of any length at

"GRAFFITI HOUSE" v10 ©1996-2005 Sandra Benson

When reviewing the CD CAUTION: Please be patient with the loading process. The project has been compressed and optimized for speed, depending on your computer, it can still take up to 40 to 50 seconds to load the program. If the program seems to stall, click into the interface, this will usually cue the program forward.

To request a copy of CD-Email:sandra_benson15@Hotmail.com

E.g.: allow the Butterfly to fly before you try to proceed. For best result and interactivity, allow the interface to proceed and settle down at a main window before proceeding. CD is Mac and PC. Project will set your monitor to "Thousands of Colors" and 640x480 resolution. You will need at least 24 mg. of RAM. Should run well from the CD without copying interface. But if you need to copy the Graffiti House program. Copy only the Main file "Graffiti House.html", not the support files, then run it from your desktop. Keep in mind that running the program in this way is less efficient, be cause it will prompt you to connect it to all of it's movies residing on the CD for resource files. Thanks.

The full interface contains 3 separate sections. Read about the 1,2,3 Main interface in the next section.

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Menu [1,2,3,]

  1. 1. THE GRAFFITI HOUSE TOUR: is to be used as a positive reinforcement for a development of the " CREATIVE PROCESS"; (AS WELL AS a pick-me-up for transitional times). It will allow you time to refresh and is a proven subliminal (painless) positive thought generator. Go ahead and take the Graffiti House plunge, you will feel the surge or positive energy generated by it's 10 to 15 minutes break in your day. It IS a great motivator for all ages. Life is a journey.

  1. 2. Is THE FOUR BUTTON INTERFACE. Is all about the promotion or fund raising aspects of supportive projects. It contains:

1. The Graffiti House Promo-a 30 second promotion for the "Graffiti House" children's project. It is the original inspiration for the entire project. It seeks to be the symbolic representation of a negative subject (Graffiti) which can be iconoclastically transformed into a positive; in the form of a children's art project which can be seen as a model for community professionals who can utilize the same concept to answer the question, "What can I as one person do to assist our children in their "at risk or transitional times". The project has been an inspiration to community leaders. Its very existence is testimony to the community professionals that we can work through partnerships with nonprofit organizations, such as the Community Church's and other community organizations to reach young people and make a difference in their lives. It just takes a model project and a willingness and drive to make a difference. 2. The ARTIST PORTFOLIO. These are some 2D and 3D ideas which started the brainstorming aspects of the PROMOTIONS PROCESS. 3. The JAZZ KINGS card deck-a multimedia tribute to some of the artist's favorite jazz artist. Work is in progress and is therefore Not included with the Version (6) (CAC) entry. The software is patent pending and will be sold as a separate promotional project. 4. The GRAFFITI AT THE STOPLIGHT is a game-like tribute to two great graffiti artist of the 1980's. It is very helpful as a model to young artist who are not generally aware that the graffiti artist has in the proper environment, enjoyed such widespread acceptance. Or it can contain information about any subject which you choose to promote your own project or fund raising aspects of your mission.

  1. 3. INTERVIEWS is also a work in progress but it's focus is on support for your project. For Example, in Graffiti House your will hear from some community leaders, instructor, and some kids who actually have created graffiti.

Recently added is a "Conversation with the "God's Gift Choir" who volunteered their input on the affects of positive motivation projects.

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Acknowledgments: Would like to thank: Jon Dobson an Instructor from the Academy of Art (then College, now University) and friend, who consistently supported and guided me through the madness and chaos that helped to define and formulate the focus of "Graffiti House". As Jon says, "Graffiti House is a bridge". Roxann Farrar, a friend and former instructor of Academy of Art College, who also guided and supported the project in its early formative stages.

Walter from Muni's Graffiti Clean up project. Also the kids who were so openly and unselfishly supportive of a children's art project. Even though they did not seek to benefit from it personally.

Rev. Willie R. Daniels and all of the Guilds

The Children's Choir of Church of All Faiths & Danny Flemming. The Church of All Faiths for it's support and encouragement. I love you all and I will not forget you nor the ONE GOD (HEAD) who makes all things possible through Christ.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST-My husband LEON who has struggled throughout the hunger and pain with me and is still here. MUCH LOVE, Sandra Lather-Benson

MUSIC: Waiting to Exhale: Whitney Houston_ Chante Moore-"Wey U" Miles Runs the Voodoo Down_All Blues: Miles Davis: Anything Goes_The lady is a Tramp: Ella Fitzgerald_ The Cole Porter Song Book All the Way & The Way you Wear Your Hat: Billie Holiday Maxwell Snoop Free Styling

Books: Contemporary Art, Klaus Honnef, Tachen, 1994 New, Used & Improved Art for the 80's, Peter Frank and Michael Mc Kenzie, Abbebille Press, New York, 1987 Keith Haring, Peintures, Sculptures et Dessins, capc Musee d'art contemporain de Bordeaux bodyscape, art, modernity and the ideal figure, Nicholas Mizoeff, Routledge, London and New York, 1995

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